Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley? (A Beginner’s Guide)

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Fruits and vegetables are healthy foods to add to a guinea pig’s daily diet plan. Nevertheless, most veggies can be the succulent type and some in the form of herbs. The nature of vegetables like herbs makes me wonder, can guinea pigs eat parsley? 

Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley but only in moderation. They love the taste and aroma of this veggie, which is a common thing with herbs. A parsley contains vitamin A, B, C, and K that’ll help keep your cavy’s body working in good condition.

Now that you know that your guinea pigs can eat parsley, your next question may be “can my furry friend eat all parts of the parsley?” Let’s read on to find out!

What Part of the Parsley Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea Pig Eating Parsley

You wouldn’t want to feed any part of the parsley if you’re not sure of it yet. Moreover, there are ones that are fine to feed your guinea pigs and ones that should be left out. Read on to know if your cavy can have these parts.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley Flowers?

Not at all! These aren’t proven to be safe for even humans to eat. Your little pet shouldn’t be put at risk.  So, don’t add it to their diet at all.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley Root?

Sure! They can have this part. It contains the same vitamins and minerals found in the stem, especially fiber. 

This particular nutrient is very important for a guinea pig’s body to function well, mostly in digesting other foods. So, there’s no harm in feeding them the roots but benefits.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley Leaves?

Of course, you can serve them parsley leaves. They’re filled with important vitamins and minerals a guinea pig’s body needs. Nonetheless, don’t forget to wash the leaves well before letting your little pet have them.

This is to ensure you don’t invite any harm to your cavy’s health.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley Every Day?

No, they can’t! Parsley can’t be a daily food for your little pet. To be on the safe side we’ll be discussing how often they can have it. Also, how much parsley they should have.

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Parsley?

It’s ideal to feed them this veggie for just 2 – 3 days a week. Don’t exceed this number of days so you don’t harm your pet’s health. 

Nevertheless, the chosen days for their parsley treats shouldn’t be straight so do give gaps between these days.

How Much Parsley Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

About 5-10 twigs are okay for them. Your furry friend should not have more than this amount. Start with fewer twigs at first to check if they like it.  if they continually refuse it, it’s fine. Don’t force them.

Nutritional Value of Parsley

The table below shows the nutritional value of parsley per 100 grams of it.

NutrientsPer 100g
Fiber3.3 g
Vitamin C133 mg
Carbs6.33 g
Calories36 Kcal
Vitamin A421 mcg
Water87.71 g
Sugar0.9 g
Calcium138 mg
Phosphorus58 mg
Vitamin K1640 ug
Fats0.79 g

Health Benefits of Parsley on Guinea Pigs

Heath Benefits of Parsley - Healthy Herb for Guinea Pigs

Here are the health benefits that make this veggie a good option when planning your cavy’s diet.

  • Prevents Scurvy

Parsley has lots of vitamin C in it. This is good news for your furry friend. Owing to the lack of vitamin C in a guinea pig’s body, they normally suffer from scurvy. 

This veggie would give their bodies the vitamin C they fail to produce. This will help prevent scurvy and keep their bodies immune to other diseases.

  • Improves Vision

Parsley is also filled with vitamin A, which is a good sight booster. Serving your cavy parsley treats is one way to make their vision better. As guinea pigs get older, their sight gets very poor. 

However, a vitamin A-enriched veggie like this one would keep a good sight but one that lasts long. This way, your cute pet doesn’t have issues recognizing you too.

  • Contains Antioxidants for the Body

In this herb, there are Antioxidants, like vitamin A and flavonoids that help support immunity and fight illnesses. It also helps to fight inflammation occurring in any area of the body. 

  • Supports Cardiovascular Health

You’ll find potassium in parsley and this is good for the blood and heart vessels of your cavy. It also helps their muscles, especially heart muscles, to properly contract and relax. This would help them breathe well as the heartbeat rate is in check. 

Blood pressure would also be kept stable and this would keep your little pet safe from any severe heart disease.

  • Quickens Recovery from Injuries

An important vitamin, vitamin K, is also in this veggie. This vitamin works well in the clotting of damaged blood vessels and closing up of wounds. In all, they speed up the healing and recovery of any injury if your cavy ever gets injured.

  • Supports Bone Development and Dental Health

The calcium content in this herb is much and this nutrient is an important one for your cavy’s bones and teeth. A lack of this nutrient would make the body weak, especially their skeletal structures, and that’s not good for these delicate pets

Can Guinea Pigs Eat all Types of Parsley?

There are varieties of parsley you’ll find around, especially in stores. You might be wondering, can guinea pigs eat all types of parsley? Let’s find out if they possibly can. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Chinese Parsley?

Yes, they can. This type of parsley is popularly known as “coriander” in many parts of the world. These herbs have a strong flavor and are common in most Asian and Mexican dishes.

So, not only humans can enjoy them, but also your little pet. You just have to serve moderate amounts to them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Italian Parsley?

Absolutely! This variety of parsley is also a good choice for your little pet’s diet and wellness. However, be careful on the serving size as this type of parsley contains oxalates and lots of calcium too. 

You would not want any of these to harm your guinea pig. Substances like these that are used as agents for cleaning and bleaching would create serious health issues for your cavy. So, when serving this one, keep it moderate too.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cow Parsley?

Cow Parsley - Not a Food For Guinea Pigs

Yes! Cow parsley is fine for your furry friend to eat. This is a very beautiful variety and most importantly a healthy one. 

However, you should be careful when selecting them as they have poisonous look-alikes like the hemlock and the hogweed.

Moreover, watch out for the high calcium content in it, and don’t overfeed your cavy this parsley. To avoid trouble, serve only a few of it and only a few days in a week.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Flat Leaf Parsley?

Yes, flat-leaf parsley has no harm it can cause to your pet. Feel free to serve it to them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Curly Leaf Parsley?

Sure, they can have the curly type. It’s safe for them to eat. Mix it up with other veggies to keep things balanced.

How To Serve Parsley For Guinea Pigs

Preparing Parsley for Guinea Pigs

Step 1: Select Only Fresh Parsleys

You should know that these little pets are very sensitive. Everything about them should be done carefully, especially their diet. 

So, whenever you want to serve your furry friend this veggie, pick and use only the ones that are still fresh. Also, free from chemicals.

Step 2: Wash Parsley  Thoroughly

Hygiene is very important when caring for a guinea pig. Most veggies in the stores contain chemicals, like pesticides, and are exposed to germs and other things that could affect your cavy’s health. This is why you should never neglect this step. 

Do ensure you wash any parsley you plan to serve your cavy very well. Whether under running water or in a bowl of water, make sure you’re not lazy about it. However, you can do it the “dunk and swiss” way.

Step 3: Cut Out Fine Twigs of Parsley

You can start first by bundling up parsleys together on their stems to get an even cut. With a knife, cut out short twigs. Cut them in a way there are fewer leaves left on the stem. Fiber is more in the stem and that’s a major nutrient for your cavy.

Step 4: Serve Parsley in Moderate Amount

After preparing them, pick out 5 – 10 twigs and serve your pet. Considering the age of your parsley, you can serve fewer to older cavies and more to younger ones.

Whatever you do, don’t exceed this range (5 – 10 per serving). Also, parsley is better served mixed with a bowl of healthy veggies.

Take Note: 

  • Never leave leftover parsley in your cavy’s cage or eating area. Bacteria could start growing on them and flys perching too. You wouldn’t want this kind of parsley to get into your little pet’s mouth at all.
  • Remember, cavies are delicate creatures. This little mistake could harm them seriously. So, once you notice they’re done eating, remove all of the leftovers.
  • A cavy can easily react badly to any chemical on the parsley they eat. You can’t blame them, they have a weak digestive system that’s very selective. Therefore, the best parsley to use is a homegrown one. 

So, if it means you grow these herbs at home, you should do it because your cavy’s health is worth it.

Can Parsley Make My Guinea Pig Sick?

Yes, it can. As guinea pigs owners, it might seem strange to you how parsley could still make them sick too. However, it’s not a bad side of it but a result of the wrong way you prepare or serve them to your furry friend.

Here’s where moderation comes in. If you exceed the proper amount and feeding days, things can then become bad. 

In excess, they could have diarrhea and other issues that are caused by too much of certain components in this vegetable.

However, it can sometimes be an allergy. Just like most humans react strangely to certain food or other things that are normal for others, guinea pigs aren’t an exception. Your cavies might fall sick, especially if it’s their first time having it.

Also, it’s advisable to avoid serving your cavy parsley if they’ve had serious bladder or kidney issues before, like stones. You’ll keep the safe this way as parsley could promote the rise of these issues again.

What are Other Alternatives for Parsley?

Guinea pigs do well with food variety. This means you get to always change the fruits and veggies you serve them. If you ever think of any other veggie healthy enough to feed your furry friend other than parsley, try these.

SpinachesCarrotsBrussel sproutsAsparagusesCilantros
CeleriesGreen beansBell peppersArtichokesCucumbers

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Parsley Flakes?

No, they can’t. These are processed foods made from parsley and guinea pigs aren’t safe eating these. Moreover, they contain chemicals like preservatives that are harmful to your little pet.

Dried Parsley Flakes - Not a Food For Guinea Pigs

Feeding them dried parsley flakes would make them have digestive issues and also create other problems for their health.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Baby Parsley?

No! You should not feed parsley to your baby guinea pigs. Their mother’s milk is most important at such a tender stage. Moreover, hays, especially alfalfa hays, and pellets would then come in before any veggie or fruit. So, only introduce parsley later on.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wild Parsley?

Yes! Wild parsley is safe for them to eat. Guinea pigs eat a lot of wild plants and this kind of parsley wouldn’t harm them at all. However, don’t forget to wash them very well before use.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, your cavy can eat parsley. Whenever you choose to serve your little pet this herb, do it only for the right number of days. Dried ones, especially the flakes should be avoided.

Just like you serve them other veggies in the right amounts, serve parsley moderately too. This way, they’ll get the important nutrients, like vitamin C, they need and worry less about any health challenges.

Nevertheless, follow the steps given in this article to ensure you’re doing it right. It’s not hard after all. You just have to be picky and careful about it to make sure your pet enjoys it without any risk to their health.

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