Are Guinea Pigs Jealous Pets? (3 Signs You Should Check)

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Owning multiple guinea pigs can be a little tricky. For example, I noticed that whenever I’m holding one of my cavies, the others make loud noises.

Based on this observation, I begin to wonder, are guinea pigs jealous pets?

I found out that guinea pigs can get jealous like cats and dog pets. For example, a cavy may develop jealousy if you care for another cavy in his presence.

Naturally, guinea pigs love seeking attention from pet parents. Therefore, focusing on one of them while ignoring the others can lead to jealousy and aggressive behavior.

One main thing you should keep in mind is that cavies are smart animals. Once they notice you have a favorite among them, they may harm him.

So you need to show the same care and attention to all your little furry friends.

Come to think of it, what signs do guinea pigs show when they are jealous? You’ll possibly want to know.

Keep on reading to find out!

3 Signs Your Guinea Pigs Are Jealous

Understand that guinea pigs are not good at hiding their emotions. Whenever they are unhappy with your behavior, they’ll show it in one way or another.

 So, here are the 3 most common signs you may notice in a jealous guinea pig:

1. Your Guinea Pig Makes Noises

If you hold a cavy for so long, the other ones around you may begin to make noises. Guinea pigs make sounds for different reasons, but a jealous cavy may start to rumble or grunt like a pig.

With their constant noises, your cavies want you to know that they’re feeling cheated.

2. Your Guinea Pig Wants to Be Touched

Once a guinea pig notices you’re feeding his partner or stroking his fur, he may begin to touch your face. Sometimes, the jealous cavy may try to take the place of the one you’re carrying by nipping your fingers.

 As a result of this, fights may happen between these tiny pets if you’re not careful.

3. Your Guinea Pig Become Aggressive

A jealous cavy may begin to scatter the cage or go as far as being destructive if he feels left out. They may even begin to fight one another, just to make you notice each one of them.

This is one of the ways these small pets show their displeasure each time you choose another cavy over them.

How to Deal With A Jealous Guinea Pig

Everything being equal, guinea pigs are friendly animals. But if you notice signs of envy in a few of them, then you need to provide a lasting solution.

This will allow your little pets to live peacefully with one another.

 Here are 5 ways to deal with a jealous guinea pig:

1. Treat Each Guinea Pig The Same Way.

Equal treatment among your guinea pigs can prevent jealousy. Serve them the same food at the same time. If you feel like holding one, try to hold the others too.

While it’s natural to have a favorite pet, make sure the others are treated the same way at the same time.

There will hardly be a problem if you don’t show partiality.

2. Keep The Pets Engaged In Activities

A Guinea Pig With A Stuffed Animal Toy

Most of the time, lack of activities contributes to jealousy in guinea pigs. For example, a cavy playing with different toys may not notice you’re holding another pet.

Make sure you create an interesting environment for your guinea pigs. Because of this, they will be happy all day long.

3. They Should Be Spayed/Neutered 

One of the advantages of spaying and neutering your guinea pigs, especially the males, is calmness. They’ll be easy to handle and thereby stop certain behaviors like territoriality and jealousy.

But ensure this procedure is carried out by a professional vet to prevent health issues.

4. Make Their Surroundings Comfortable.

Guinea pigs do not like small cages, whether indoor or outdoor. They love running around in their environment to relieve stress.

Also, guinea pigs do not like noise, as it makes them suddenly afraid and can cause stress, resulting in strange behaviors.

Therefore, ensure your little furry friends live in a conducive environment, as it helps them behave well.

5. Give Them Attention.

Always create time to play with your guinea pigs. Remember that toys cannot replace human affection and attention.

Naturally, guinea pigs have trust issues and may not allow you to get close to them for some time. But once they bond with you, these small pets will always want to be by your side.

Therefore, one of the ways to deal with jealousy in your guinea pigs is by giving them attention.


Can A Guinea Pig Get Jealous Of Another Guinea Pig?

Yes, a guinea pig can get jealous of another guinea pig, depending on how you treat them.

If you just bought a few cavies, for example, the ones that have been around may feel jealous of them. 

And if you treat the new cavies well, it can make the others feel angry and aggressive. These pets may begin to attack their new cage mates because they don’t want to share your attention with them.

The Solution:

Try to introduce a new cavy slowly to the other cage mates and treat all of them equally. Within a short time, your guinea pigs will bond with one another.

Can A Guinea Pig Get Jealous Of Another Animal?

A Guinea Pig And A Puppy

Yes, a guinea pig can get jealous of other animals such as cats and dogs. Understand that guinea pigs love being the center of attention, every time and every day.

So, if you start feeding your puppy when it’s your cavies’ mealtime, they’ll get jealous. In fact, your guinea pigs may come around when you’re with other pets just to seek attention.

The Solution:

Make sure you create a separate schedule for all your pets and stick to it. This way, your guinea pigs may not notice you’re spending time with other animals.

Final Thoughts

All we’ve said is that guinea pigs are jealous pets like other animals.

We also mentioned that cavies can get jealous of other animals if their pet parent is not giving them attention.

Behaving aggressively, making noises, and touching their owners are signs of jealousy in guinea pigs.

Finally, treat your cavies equally, spay them, provide a comfortable environment, and keep them engaged to deal with jealousy.

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