Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Corn? (3 Safe Parts To Feed)

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You may be one of those that love eating corn. As a cavy owner, you’ve seen so many veggies that have been great for you and your pet to eat. Have you ever thought of feeding your guinea pigs raw corn?

For a pet as sensitive as this, you don’t want to assume things and this makes you wonder – can guinea pigs eat raw corn?

Yes! Your guinea pig can have raw corn. Corn has lots of useful nutrients, especially fiber and vitamins, for your pet’s well-being. However, guinea pigs can only have them, mostly kernels, moderately and only once or twice in one week.

Also, note that you can serve them fresh corn, and not every kind is safe. In addition, guinea pigs can eat it only as treats and not as a major meal in their diet. They don’t have to eat much to get the nutritional value from it.

Now you know that your furry friends can have corn, you should also know that it has different parts. Your next question may be, what part of corn can guinea pigs eat?

Let’s dive deeper into this article to know this.

What Part of Corn Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea Pigs Eating Corn

Interestingly, corn has different parts. The main part is the kernel (seeds) which is the normal part we mostly eat. In addition, a corn has husks, silk and stalk.

Let’s see discuss each of them and see if it’s safe to eat:

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn Husks or Leaves?

Absolutely! Guinea pigs can eat this part. It’s been proven to be the part they love the most. Moreover, this part has lots of fiber and more nutrients that are useful to your guinea pig than the kernel. 

Surprisingly, the part we throw away is the part they love and need the most. However, while serving it to them, use the inner husks that are closer to the corn kernel and cob. They are more tender to eat and safe from any possible chemicals.

Guinea pigs normally have this issue of their teeth growing steadily so they need to keep their teeth busy to reduce this. However, just like grass and hays, chewing these husks help reduce the growth of your cavies teeth.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn Silk?

Yes, they can. The silk is a part they’ll prefer to eat also than the kernels. It’s also filled with vitamins and minerals more than the kernels.

Only let your cavy have fresh corn silks and also be chemical-free. Chemicals, like pesticides, can sometimes get on the silk, so the inner ones close to the kernels it better to serve your furry friend.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn Stalk?

Yes, they can. This part is very fibrous and that’s good for your pet. However, they may not end up eating it all when you serve it to them. It’s normally the hard middle part they remain.

These stalks can also serve as chew toys for your pet. This way, they’ll have something to chew on and prevent their teeth from growing too tall.

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn Husks?

Interestingly, guinea pigs can eat corn husks every day if they want to. Corn is of the “grass family” and their husks are just like hays that your cavy can eat as much as they want.

In summary, all parts of corn are fine for your cavy to eat. They also contain useful nutrients for your little pet.

As we go further, we’ll discuss the nutritional value of corn in general.

Nutritional Value of Corn

NutrientsPer 100 gram
Carbohydrates18.7 g
Fiber2 g
Vitamin C6.8 mg
Calcium2 mg
Calories86 Kcal
Sugar6.26 g
Potassium270 mg
Magnesium37 mg
Water76.05 g
Fats1.35 g

Health Benefits of Corn for Guinea Pigs

Corn Treats - Healthy Food for Guinea Pigs
  • Aids Digestion

The fiber in corn is a very important nutrient your cavy needs. Guinea pigs have weak digestive systems and this makes digestion difficult for them. This is why a cavy’s diet is carefully selected. 

However, the fiber in corn helps their digestive system to break down other foods they eat.

  • Boosts Immunity

Raw corn contains antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids, which help prevent and fight several diseases in the body. This will help your cavy battle scurvy which is a common disease they normally suffer from. 

  • Maintains Healthy Bones and Teeth

Calcium and phosphorus, is present in corn and they both work together in developing healthy bones and teeth. This is very important as a lack of these nutrients can make your little pet’s body weak.

  • Good Source of Energy

Corn has lots of carbohydrates in it and the little they eat is enough to give them the energy they need. It keeps them strong and active.

  • Improves Cardiovascular Health

You’ll find potassium in raw corn and this helps the heart muscles to function properly. Moreover, it also keeps their blood pressure stable and heartbeat rate in check. 

When your cavy’s heart and blood vessels are in good condition, certain heart-related issues won’t come about.

  • Aids Neurological Functions

Feeding your guinea pig, corn also helps their brain and nerves function well and also remain in good condition. This way, your guinea pig won’t suffer certain health issues related to the nervous system.

Risks in Feeding Guinea Pigs Corn

Poisoning from Chemicals

Your little pet can get ill if they happen to eat corn and any part of it that has chemicals on them. Most corn you’ll get in the stores will have chemicals, like pesticides, on them. 

Unlike humans, guinea pigs have weak digestive systems that are very selective. So, they’ll react badly to chemical poisoning. These reactions could be salivation, diarrhea, or having trouble breathing well.

Bloating and Diarrhea

Corn is high in many components that could make your cavy ill if taken in excess. As long as you serve moderate amounts of corn, especially the kernels, they’ll be safe. 

However, if they get too much of these compounds, such as sugar, calories, etc. they can suffer digestive issues and several health conditions like bloating, diarrhea, diabetes, and even obesity.

Also, too much calcium isn’t good for guinea pigs as they can have urinary conditions, such as bladder stones. However, you can keep these ingredients doing more good than bad by sticking to the right serving sizes. 

Worsen Existing Health Conditions

If your guinea pig has had serious health issues, especially that of the kidney or bladder, serving them corn can bring it up again. Calcium is a lot in raw corn and can make these issues, especially bladder stones, come up again.

Also, if your cavy is overweight, corn has lots of carbohydrates and calories that will promote it. So, avoid feeding it to a guinea pig with weight issues.

How to Prepare Corn for Guinea Pigs

Preparing Corn for Guinea Pigs

Preparing these corn treats is very important and must be done the right way. This will ensure your cavy will get the necessary benefits from corn without any trouble with their health.

Follow these steps to make sure you’re doing it right…

Step 1: Select Fresh Corn

This step is not only important in feeding them corn treats but also many other veggies and foods they eat. The corn you should use must be fresh from the husks to the kernels themselves. So, avoid dry or spoiled corn for your cavy.

Step 2: Wash Corn Husks

You shouldn’t skip this step at all, especially if you plan to feed them the corn husks only. Chemicals and dirt that can harm your pet are normally on corn, especially the outer husks that cover everything else inside. 

So, you should wash them thoroughly before using them. A better way to make use of these husks is to remove the outer husks and use the ones that are very close to the kernels.

Step 3: Cut Corn into Moderate Sizes

With a knife and board, slice corn (on the cob) into smaller sizes that are less than a quarter of the cob. Cut them in a way it still has some husks and silk on them. You should make sure the number of seeds or kernels on the cob shouldn’t be many because of the sugar it has. 

This is a nice and healthy way to prepare them. This way, your cavy will get the important benefits these parts give. However, you don’t need to cut baby corn if you plan to serve it to your guinea pig.

Step 4: serve Already Prepared Corn

Serve your guinea pig corn, especially with the cob, and let them enjoy it. Moreover, you can serve them only the husks if these are the parts they prefer to eat. 

Chop it like how you prepare hay so that it’ll be easy for them to eat. Also, it’s important to serve corn on clean surfaces. 

Take Note!

Corn Leftovers aren’t safe to remain in your guinea pig’s cage. The remaining pieces of the corn are exposed to flies and bacteria and that’s not safe to get into your cavy’s mouth. So, remove them as soon as you know your cavies are done having their corn treat.

Pesticides are normally used to grow corn, especially the ones in stores. Your cavy is very sensitive and can react to even traces of chemicals on the corn you serve to them. 

This is why home-grown corn that’s grown naturally is better to serve them. This is a safer way to go about selecting the corn you want to serve your cavy.

What Kind of Corn Can Guinea Pigs Eat?  

It’s important to know the kind of corn to feed your guinea pig as treats. Your cavy can eat corn doesn’t mean you should feed them anything made out of corn. 

Let’s go further to discuss different kinds of corn, and how safe they are for cavies to eat.

Can Guinea Pigs Have Corn on the Cob?

Yes, they can eat corn on the cob. This is even the best way to serve corn to them.  However, your cavy may not be able to eat the cob, because it’s hard. Still, never cook the corn for them to eat.

When serving, it shouldn’t be a whole corn on the cob. This is too much for even two or three guinea pigs. So, serve them slices of the cob with a few corn kernels on them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Corn?

Sweet Corn - Food for Guinea Pigs

Absolutely! Guinea pigs love sweet corn. It’s a nice summer snack for them and one of the tasty snacks they like to have probably because of how sweet it is. 

Sweet corn is not just a tasty snack for them but is loaded with vitamin C that your little pet needs very well. However, sweet corn is high in calories and sugar so don’t feed them too much of it.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Baby Corn?

Sure, they can. These are corns that are plucked before they mature. You can serve it whole as they can eat it that way including the cob. 

Baby corn has soft cobs that are easy to digest, unlike a matured corn. The cob of the matured one is hard for them to eat and digest. Also, serve only fresh baby corn a few times a week.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Corn?

Dried Corn - Not a Food for Guinea Pigs

No! It’s a bad idea to let them eat dried corn. Dried corn or “Cracked corn” would be hard for your cavy to chew. Feeding them this kind of corn can harm them in a lot of ways.

As dry as they are, they are pretty hard for them to digest. This could cause serious health issues in the process. 

Also, dried corn can mostly damage your cavy teeth and cause dental problems. Moreover, it has no nutrients it gives them so avoid it completely and stick with fresh ones.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Corn?

Not at all! Generally, frozen foods aren’t good for guinea pigs so frozen corn is not fine to serve them. Humans can eat this but these tiny creatures can’t. Instead, make sure the corn is a fresh one.

Can Pigs Eat Cooked Corn?

Not at all! It’s not healthy both as food and as a treat. Just like other processed foods, cooked corn isn’t good for your cavy. 

Their digestive system isn’t fit to digest it. Moreover, it can make the digestion of other foods very hard too. The ingredients used in preparing them are bad for your guinea pig’s health.

So, it’s quite harmful and has no benefits for them. However, let’s look at some foods made out of corn and also if they are good for little pets to eat or not. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat popcorn?

Pop Corn - Not a Food for Guinea Pigs

No! It’s not safe to feed your little pet popcorn. It also has no benefits for them. The sharp sides on it can also harm soft areas in your cavy’s mouth. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn flakes?

Corn Flakes - Food for Guinea Pigs

Yes, your cavies can eat cornflakes. Nevertheless, this cereal has lots of carbohydrates so serve little of it to your furry friend. More importantly, it should be without added ingredients like sugar or milk. 

Cavies are lactose intolerant and would react badly to milk. So, don’t add them to the corn flakes before you serve them. Also, you should only use corn flakes that are without preservatives.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Corn Chips?

Corn Chips - Not a Food for Guinea Pigs

A big NO! Corn chips should not be given to guinea pigs to eat. They have too much salt and oil in them that aren’t good for your cavy’s health. 

In addition, they are processed and cooked so they don’t fit in any way as foods a sensitive pet as a guinea pig would eat.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Corn?

No, they can’t! These are processed and somewhat cooked. It’s salty for your cavy and contains preservatives that aren’t good for your little pet’s health. 

To keep things safe, your cavy should have corn directly from the cob and never from the can.

What Other Foods Can My Guinea Pig Eat Besides Corn?

Here’s a list of other foods besides corn that your guinea pig can eat. Don’t forget to serve them in their right serving sizes to your cavy.

Green beansCucumberBroccoliMint
ParsleySweet PotatoCarrotArtichoke
Bell pepperCeleryLettuceKale
Brussel sproutsAsparagusPumpkinBeets

Final Thoughts

To sum up, your guinea pigs can have raw corn. Just like any other veggies that they eat raw, the cooked versions aren’t just good for them.

At first, when you want to serve raw corn to your furry friends, let them have only bits of it. This is to check for any reactions, especially it being their first time eating it. Also, don’t forcefully feed them any part they refuse to eat.

It’s okay if your cavy likes the husks and silk more than the kernel. They’re the better parts for your little pet. Also, they are healthier and safer. Good news! They can have them every day.

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