Do Guinea Pigs Have Periods? (5 Common Causes of Bleeding)

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Finding traces of blood in your female guinea pig’s genitals may be confusing and scary. 
One of your questions may be, “do guinea pigs get periods?”

Here’s one thing you need to know – female cavies don’t have periods that cause bleeding. However, they go into heat many times each year as a result of estrous cycles. 

So if you notice they’re bleeding during this period, it is due to other reasons. 

Understand that it is normal for female dogs to bleed while in heat. But is it normal for your guinea pigs to bleed?

Keep on reading to find out!

Is It Normal For Guinea Pigs To Bleed?

No, it is not normal for your female cavies to bleed even when they’re in heat. So if you notice blood in their reproductive organs, then something is not right.

Common causes of bleeding in guinea pigs include infections, bladder stones, or injuries. If you notice any signs of blood in your small pets, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Early detection of diseases or infections can save the affected guinea pig’s life.

Why Do Guinea Pigs Bleed?

Lots of factors can contribute to bleeding in female cavies, as we already stated. Most of the time, the blood comes from their internal reproductive organs.

Therefore, you shouldn’t waste time before taking action.

Here are 5 possible reasons your guinea pig is bleeding:

1. Bladder Stones

A Guinea Pig Drinking Water Which Can Prevent Bladder Stones

Commonly known as Uroliths, bladder stones can cause bleeding in your female guinea pig. These issues happen when tiny crystals in your cavy’s body form a stone. 

Eventually, the stones may irritate the bladder tissues, thereby causing pain and bloody discharge.

The common causes of bladder stones in guinea pigs include:

  • Excess calcium-rich diets
  • Heredity
  • Infections
  • Little water intake

Some of the symptoms of bladder stones in guinea pigs include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Urine that is bloody

2. Pyometra

As a result of bacterial infection, a female cavy’s uterus can be filled with pus. This can cause a red discharge from her genitals that look like blood.

Sometimes, you’ll notice the discharge after the affected guinea pig finishes urinating.

Symptoms of pyometra in cavies include:

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Shock in severe cases
  • Reproductive issues
  • Change in behavior

3. Tumors

Any type of tumor in your guinea pig’s urinary tract can cause her to discharge blood.  Large tumors, most especially, can irritate the affected cavy’s internal organs, thereby causing pain.

It can also begin to release blood on its own and so come out through the cavy’s reproductive organ.

Symptoms of non-cancerous tumors can be managed with medications. Nevertheless, you need to follow the vet’s instructions.

Most of the time, the best option is to remove the tumor through surgery.

Common symptoms of tumors in guinea pigs include:

  • Appetite loss
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Urine that is bloody

4. Infection of the Urinary Tract

Infections can also be the reason your cavy is passing out blood. Often, the blood comes out with pain, especially when your pet is urinating. 

Sometimes, the blood just drops even when the guinea pig is not urinating.

Female guinea pigs are prone to infections because of their short urethra. Dirty environments can expose your guinea pigs to the risk of urinary tract infections.

Having short legs contributes to the small animals’ closeness to the ground. As a result of this, bacteria can easily get into their urethra, especially in a dirty environment.

When you consult your vet, they will likely test the cavy’s urine to confirm if she has an infection or not.

Common symptoms of UTI in guinea pigs include:

  • Traces of blood in the urine
  •  Painful urination
  •  Tiredness
  •  Weight loss
  •  Loss of appetite

5. Cystic Ovary Disease

Ovary disease is yet another reason your female guinea pig may be bleeding. Normally, female cavies’ ovaries produce follicles during their reproductive cycle. 

Everything being equal, the follicles should burst to release eggs that can be fertilized during mating.

There are times when the follicles do not burst but form cysts, which results in diseases.

Pain, an enlarged abdomen, infertility, and hair loss are the common symptoms of cystic ovary disease.

Younger guinea pigs have fewer chances of developing cysts compared to older ones.

What To Do If Your Guinea Pig Is Bleeding?

Consult your vet immediately if you notice that your guinea pig is bleeding. Usually, they’ll run some tests to determine the cause of the health issue.

If it is caused by an infection, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics.

But if the bleeding is caused by a cancerous tumor, for example, surgery is the best option. Treating the sick guinea pig quickly can increase her chances of survival.

To prevent making her condition worse, do not treat the sick guinea pig at home.


Do Male Guinea Pigs Have Periods? 

A Healthy Male Guinea Pig

No, male guinea pigs do not have periods like females. But if you notice blood in their reproductive organs, seek professional help immediately.

Urinary tract infections, tumors, or bladder stones can cause male guinea pigs to release blood. Therefore, do not take these symptoms for granted.

Do Guinea Pigs Bleed From Their Vagina?

No, female guinea pigs do not bleed from their vagina. However, health issues like uroliths, cystitis, pyometra, or cancer can cause them to bleed.

Bear in mind that it is not normal for these small pets to bleed. So, you must visit the vet quickly if you notice this symptom in your cavy.

How Often Do Guinea Pigs Have Periods?

Guinea pigs do not have periods but do have estrous cycles up to 4 times every year. It is the time when they go into heat and can get pregnant after mating.

The estrous cycle in female cavies can last for 16 days, and it doesn’t cause bleeding.

If by chance you notice blood stains on your guinea pigs’ bedding, seek medical help. 

Do Female Guinea Pigs Bleed When In Heat?

No, something is not right if your guinea pig bleeds when in heat. While it may not be a serious issue, you wouldn’t know unless you speak to a professional.

Remember – prevention is better; early detection can save your cavy’s life.

My Guinea Pig Has Blood On Its Urine (What Does It Mean)?

Often, blood in your guinea pig’s urine can be a result of bladder stones or kidney stones. It can also be a symptom of infections or ovary diseases.

Although there are times when diets or drinking little water can cause their urine to be red.

If you notice symptoms like painful urination, or anything unusual, it means your guinea pig is not well.

Final Thoughts

Keep a few important points in mind before you leave.

Guinea pigs do not have periods and therefore should not bleed. However, bladder stones, infections, and other diseases could be the main cause of bleeding.

Also, remember that male guinea pigs do not have periods. As a result, any sign of blood in their beddings or reproductive organs is abnormal.

Finally, pay close attention to your pet so that you’ll notice strange symptoms. And when in doubt, ask your vet.

Healthy diets, clean water, and regular check-ups can prevent many diseases in guinea pigs.

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