Can Guinea Pigs Eat Human Food? (21 Healthy Food To Eat)

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You might have seen your pet staring at your food while you are having your lunch or dinner. Guinea pigs are fond of human food.

However, the question is can guinea pigs eat human food? 

It depends. Some human foods are good for your guinea pig’s health if fed in moderation while some are bad for them. 

In general, any cooked food is bad for guinea pigs as it loses its nutrients. Moreover, human foods that are rich in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates are bad for your pet. 

If in case you want to know what kind of human food you can feed to your tiny pets, read more below!

What Kind of Human Foods Can Guinea Pigs Eat?


Vegetables, yes, but not the cooked ones. Don’t ever feed your guinea pigs cooked vegetables as they are unable to digest them. 

Moreover, cooked vegetables have no nutritional benefits to your pets. 

Guinea pigs can have small amounts of raw vegetables each day, organically grown greens are the best option. 

Vegetables that your pet guinea pig can eat include:

  • Broccoli
A Picture of Broccoli as a Human Food for Guinea Pigs

Broccoli is a safe and healthy food option for guinea pigs. Your pet can eat broccoli florets, stems, and leaves in moderation to get important nutrients like Vitamin C and A. 

Guinea pigs can eat all kinds of lettuce including romaine lettuce except iceberg lettuce. Romaine lettuce is good for your pet and they love having it as it is crunchy. 

You can mix a small amount of romaine lettuce with other veggies for more benefits.

  • Peas
A Picture of Peas as a Human Food for Guinea Pigs

You can feed peas in moderation to your guinea pigs. Green peas are rich in minerals and vitamins that are good for your pet’s health. 

  • Artichokes

Artichokes are a great source of Vitamin A and dietary fiber. Make sure you remove the outer leaves and thorny parts of artichokes before feeding them to your pet. 

  • Tomatoes (not the stems or leaves)

Guinea pigs love eating cherry tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in water content and they are a good source of Vitamin C. However, make sure you avoid feeding tomato stems and leaves to your pets.

  • Green and Red Bell Peppers
A Picture of Red Bell Peppers as a Human Food for Guinea Pigs

Bell Peppers are a super food for guinea pigs. Bell peppers are packed with nutrients and guinea pigs love eating them. 

  • Other green vegetables

Besides spinach, bell peppers, tomatoes, you can feed zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, kale, and other green vegetables to your pets. 

Note: Vegetables must be washed properly before serving to remove harmful pesticides and other toxic substances. Also, be careful to introduce new vegetables to your pets slowly and in smaller portions.


Guinea Pigs can eat a variety of fruits in limited quantities. Fruits contain a lot of sugar which can be harmful to your pets. Hence moderation is the key. 

Fruits guinea pigs can eat include:

  • Apples

A small slice of apple is great for your pets. It is not only nutritious but guinea pigs also love the crisp texture and taste of apples.

Guinea pigs can eat all kinds of apples but make sure you feed apples in moderation to your pets as they are high in sugar. 

Pay Attention: Do remove the seeds of apples before giving them to your pet

Read Also: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Yellow or Red Apples?

  • Kiwi
A Picture of Kiwi as a Human Food for Guinea Pigs

Kiwi is a great source of Vitamin C which makes it essential for your pets. Feeding small amounts of Kiwi to guinea pigs can prevent scurvy. 

  • Pears

Pears can definitely add a variety to your guinea pig’s food options. Moreover, they are a good source of calcium, Vitamin A, K, and C. 

  • Strawberries

Strawberries are a safe food option for your pet. Guinea pigs love eating strawberries and it is also healthy for them.

Feeding small amounts of strawberries to your pets can provide them with important minerals and Vitamin C.

  • Blueberries

If you are planning to give a sweet treat to your pet, blueberries are the best option. They are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that are great for your pet’s health.

  • Peaches

Fresh peaches are a good food choice for guinea pigs. They are not only good for your pet’s teeth but also provide them with important vitamins and minerals.

  • Papayas
A Picture of Papaya as a Human Food for Guinea Pigs

Papaya is rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, and fiber. Giving fresh papaya to your pets in moderation is very good for their health.

Surprise food: They also can eat oats which are good for them but they should not be given too often like fruits.

It’s also important to take note of certain precautions you should follow while serving these human foods to guinea pigs. 

Precautions to Take While Serving Vegetables and Fruits to Guinea Pigs:

  • Don’t give them too many veggies as it may upset their stomach.
  • Don’t introduce new vegetables quickly as it may cause diarrhea.
  • Serve a variety of vegetables.
  • The majority of their diet should contain timothy hay. 

Now that you know what human foods can be given to your pet while following certain precautions, you might want to know, what human foods guinea pigs cannot eat? 

What Human Foods Guinea pigs Cannot Eat?

Guinea pigs being herbivores won’t be able to share your favorite meat with you. 

There are a few other foods that you should avoid feeding your tiny pet. These include:

  • Dairy products like milk, ice cream, cheese
  • Any kind of juices
  • Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc.)
  • Bread
  • Alcohol
  • Mushrooms 
  • Onions
  • Garlic

Nothing fat, no meat, no chocolate, no butter, no snacks, and no steak should be given to your pet guinea pig. 

These human foods can cause major health problems for your pet. Let’s see the health risks involved in feeding the human foods guinea pigs cannot eat. 

Health Risks of Human Foods Guinea Pigs Cannot Eat

It’s always important to take into consideration the health risks of feeding foods like chocolates to guinea pigs.

Below are the health risks of some human foods:

Weight Gain 

Feeding anything fat and sugary to your guinea pigs like butter, chocolates, and brownies can make your pet fat. Since guinea pigs already lead an inactive lifestyle, it’s important to avoid such foods. 

Bladder Stones

Feeding dairy products like milk and cheese can result in the formation of bladder stones in guinea pigs. The reason is that these products are rich in calcium and excess calcium can lead to bladder stones. 

Moreover, guinea pigs are lactose-intolerant. Therefore, feeding diary products can cause indigestion and food allergies to your pet. 

Stomach Infections 

Feeding high-fat foods can upset the stomach of your tiny pet. It can cause indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, and other stomach infections in guinea pigs. 


Human foods like chocolates, juices, and cakes can cause diabetes in your pet as they are high in sugar. 

Although guinea pigs have a sweet tooth, you should avoid feeding sugary foods to them to prevent diabetes. 

Choking Hazard 

Nuts like peanuts are small in size. They can get stuck in your pet’s throat, resulting in choking. 

Also, nuts should be avoided as they are rich in cholesterol and fats. 


Feeding human foods like onion and garlic can cause the death of your pets. Onions and garlic are poisonous for your guinea pigs and you should avoid feeding them at all costs. 

Healthy Food Options for Guinea Pigs 

Are you looking for healthy food options for guinea pigs? 

If yes, take a look at the list below. 


Guinea pigs like veggies that are crunchy and juicy. Cucumber is a great addition to their diet. It’s a healthy food option to keep them hydrated and provide them with the necessary nutrients like Vitamin A and C.


Kale is a healthy choice for guinea pigs. It is high in fiber and low in fat. If fed in moderation, Kale can improve your pet’s immune system and digestion. 


A Picture of Carrots as Healthy Food Option for Guinea Pigs

Carrots are a great treat for guinea pigs. They are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, minerals, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. Make sure you feed raw carrots in small amounts to your pets for their healthy growth. 


Celery is a delicious veggie rich in vitamins C, B2, B6, and minerals. It can help prevent scurvy in guinea pigs besides keeping their weight in check. Nonetheless, make sure you keep the quantity limited.


Feeding 1-2 basil leaves to your cavies twice a week is nutritious for them. Basil contains calcium and minerals like potassium, and antioxidants that are good for your pet’s health. 


An excellent source of calcium, Vitamin C, K, and B6, cauliflower is the right choice of food for your cavy if served in moderation. It is also rich in protein and antioxidants that are good for your pet. 


Spinach is a healthy snack for guinea pigs. It can fulfill the need for vitamins in your pet. However, don’t forget to wash spinach thoroughly before feeding it to your pets. 

Green Beans 

Green beans are another green vegetable which is good for your cavy. Fresh and raw green beans can provide your pet with important nutrients like Vitamin C and K. 

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have seen if guinea pigs can eat human foods. It’s a question with no clear-cut answer. 

Human foods like chocolates, dairy products, alcohol, bread, nuts, onions, and garlic are bad for your pet’s health. However, you can feed a variety of fruits and vegetables to them in moderation. 

To conclude, guinea pigs can eat some human foods while some human foods need to be avoided. In short, guinea pigs need a balanced diet like any other animal. 

You should know that a major part of their diet consists of timothy hay with vegetables and fruits just as a treat. 

We have covered all the basic information pet owners need to know about sharing their food with their pets. 

If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends. 

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