Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rosemary? (3 Safe Parts To Eat)

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You might have seen people feeding herbs like parsley and mint to guinea pigs. In fact, herbs add a great flavor to food, besides having many health benefits.

This might make you wonder, can guinea pigs eat rosemary? 

Yes, you can feed rosemary to your guinea pig as it is rich in Vitamin C. Rich amounts of Vitamin C in rosemary helps prevent scurvy in them. 

Nonetheless, you should feed it in moderation to your pets due to its high calcium content. 

Now that you know guinea pigs can eat rosemary, you might be wondering, can guinea pigs eat the whole rosemary? 

Let’s find out!

Can Guinea Pigs Eat the Whole Rosemary?

There are some parts of rosemary that are safe for your pet and some that are not. Let’s see what all parts of the rosemary are good for your pet’s health and what parts you should avoid feeding them. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rosemary Leaves?

A Picture of Rosemary Leaves as a Food for Guinea Pigs

Yes, guinea pigs can eat rosemary leaves. Rosemary leaves are rich in dietary fiber and have antioxidant properties. Nonetheless, make sure you wash the rosemary leaves properly before feeding them to your pet. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rosemary Seeds?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat rosemary seeds. Rosemary seeds can get stuck in your pet’s neck and cause a choking hazard. Therefore, it is advisable to not feed rosemary seeds to them. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rosemary Flowers?

Yes, you can feed rosemary flowers to guinea pigs. However, rosemary flowers are not as beneficial for guinea pigs as rosemary leaves. 

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rosemary Stems?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat rosemary stems. Rosemary stems are soft and chewy and guinea pigs love eating them.

However, ensure that you cut rosemary stems into small pieces before feeding them to your pet. It will make it easier for your pets to digest the stems.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dry Rosemary?

A Picture of Dry Rosemary Not As a Food for Guinea Pigs

No, guinea pigs cannot eat dry rosemary. Feeding dry rosemary to guinea pigs is not beneficial. It is always better to feed fresh vegetables to guinea pigs without cooking or baking them. 

Dry rosemary, on the other hand, is made by leaving fresh rosemary to dry out either naturally or by baking it. 

Moreover, dry rosemary is difficult to chew and swallow. It can get stuck in your cavy’s throat and cause choking.

Therefore, you should strictly avoid feeding dry rosemary to guinea pigs. 

How Often Can You Feed Guinea Pigs Rosemary?

It is not advisable to feed rosemary to your guinea pigs daily.

Instead, you should limit feeding rosemary to them once or twice a week. Feeding rosemary more often can prove to be unhealthy for your pets as it is high in calcium. 

How Much Rosemary Can You Serve to Guinea Pigs?

Since rosemary is rich in calcium, you should feed it in moderation to your guinea pigs. Ideally, 1-3 small rosemary leaves are good enough for your pet. 

Nutrition in Rosemary

Let’s have a closer look at the nutrition present in rosemary. Below is the nutritional value per 100 grams of rosemary. 

Nutrients Per 100 g
Fat5.9 g
Carbohydrates 21 g
Protein3.3 g
Iron6.7 mg
Calcium317 mg
Vitamin C21.8 mg
Vitamin B-60.3 mg
Sodium26 mg
Potassium668 mg
Magnesium91 mg

Health Benefits of Rosemary for Guinea Pigs

There are many great health benefits of feeding rosemary to guinea pigs. Let’s have a look at them.

Better Digestion 

Rosemary helps in the better digestion of food in guinea pigs as it is rich in fiber.

The rich fiber content of rosemary helps in easy bowel movement in guinea pigs. It also keeps their digestive system and metabolism strong. 

Strong Immune System 

Vitamin A and other antioxidants present in rosemary make it a healthy food option for guinea pigs.

Vitamin A helps a great deal in boosting the immune system of your pet. In addition, also gives them the energy to fight diseases and infections. 

Healthy Blood Flow

Riboflavin or B2 present in rosemary is a rich source of energy for guinea pigs. Most importantly, it helps in maintaining healthy blood circulation in your pet. 

Prevention of Scurvy

Vitamin C is very important for guinea pigs as they cannot produce their own Vitamin C. The rich content of Vitamin C in guinea pigs helps in the prevention of scurvy. 

Scurvy is a disease that results in anemia, gum diseases, and weakness. 

Good for Heart 

Niacin or B3 present in rosemary helps in the prevention of heart diseases in guinea pigs. It is also helpful in curing joint pain. 

Now that you know several health benefits of feeding rosemary to guinea pigs, you might also know the health risks involved in feeding rosemary to your pets. 

Let’s have a look!

Health Risks of Rosemary to Guinea Pigs

Below are the health risks involved in feeding rosemary to guinea pigs.

Kidney Stones 

The rich calcium content of rosemary might lead to the formation of kidney stones in guinea pigs. Therefore, it’s advisable to feed rosemary to them in moderation.

 At times, kidney stones are very painful and they need surgical treatment. 


The rich fiber content of rosemary can lead to indigestion and diarrhea in guinea pigs. Therefore, make sure you feed only a small amount of rosemary to them. 


Feeding rosemary in more than the recommended amount to guinea pigs can result in bloating and lack of appetite.

Make sure you feed rosemary in small quantities to your pet to avoid bloating and loss of appetite. 

Urine Infection

Calcium present in rosemary can also cause urine complications and infections in guinea pigs. They might experience pain while peeing if a large amount of rosemary is served to them.

How to Serve Rosemary to Guinea Pigs? 

Below are the steps to prepare rosemary for your pets.

Step 1: Buy Fresh Rosemary 

The first step is to gather fresh rosemary from a nearby grocery or organic store. Avoid buying rosemary with dry or yellow leaves as it is not fresh. 

Also, make sure there are no holes in the leaves as it means the leaves are spoilt by insects or pests. 

Step 2: Wash Rosemary Thoroughly 

The next step is to wash the rosemary properly under running tap water.

Herbs like rosemary contain dirt and other impurities. Therefore, you should make it a habit to wash them thoroughly before feeding them to your pets. 

Step 3: Remove Excess Water

After washing the rosemary, it’s time to remove the excess water. 

For that, you can put the washed rosemary in a bowl to let it dry or you can also leave it in a strainer so that the excess water is removed. 

Step 4: Chop the Rosemary Into Small Pieces

A Picture Showing a Chopping Board and knife to Prepare Rosemary for Guinea Pigs

To do this, take your chopping board and a knife and start chopping the rosemary. Be careful while handling the knife. 

Step 5: Serve Your Chopped Rosemary

Once you are done chopping, the rosemary is ready to be served to your pets. You can place a small amount of rosemary in your pet’s feeding bowl and let it enjoy its meal. 

Take Note:  In case you want to give your pet a variety of veggies, consider making a rosemary salad.

To make a rosemary salad, simply mix 1-2 leaves of rosemary with other veggies like spinach and broccoli. 

Other Alternatives to Rosemary for Guinea Pigs

Are you looking for some other healthy options for your guinea pigs? 

If yes, have a look at the table below: 

SpinachTomato Thyme
MintCucumber Basil
Broccoli CauliflowerDandelions
Parsley Green beans Carrots

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Rosemary Nuts?

No, it’s not safe to feed rosemary nuts to guinea pigs. Rosemary nuts are prepared by mixing different nuts with rosemary leaves. They also contain ingredients like brown sugar and butter. 

Feeding any kind of nuts to guinea pigs can make them obese as they are rich in fats and carbohydrates.

Moreover, brown sugar and butter are also unhealthy for them as they can lead to diabetes and weight gain. 

Final Thoughts 

In this article, we have learned that guinea pigs can eat rosemary. It has amazing health benefits for them like improving digestion and preventing scurvy. 

Nonetheless, it is advisable to feed limited amounts of rosemary to your pets once or twice a week. Feeding more than the recommended amount can be risky for their health. 

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